Travis Colby

Travis Colby started playing piano at age 13. After unsuccessful attempts to learn classical piano, he was resignedly forced to try his chops at quick,  Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis inspired rockaboogie. He remained at that plateau for a couple years, until he  was exposed to more standard slow blues by friends. After that, his bio pretty much parallels Paul Venezia's, until he joined up with Guitar Jr. in the fall of 96. He was fortunate enough to travel with Luther throughout the  U.S., Canada, and even China.
    Travis met Jeff in the fall of 97, and randomly moved in to the apartment above Jeff during the spring of the following year, at which point he was proposioned by Jeff to start a gig at Mangos on Main, a small club in Keene. He referred Jeff to Paul, and it's been gravy ever since.

    Travis is 21 years old ,  and plays a Yamaha P-150, Hammond BC and E262.